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2D (two-dimensional)
Basic views, views and cuts are inserted into a CAD system as vector-based representations. Successor of the line-based drawing on the drawing board; as a graphic description of surfaces
3D (three-dimensional)
Graphical description of a body, spatial representation of structures, taking into account the x-, y-, z-coordinate
4D (four-dimensional)
The 4th dimension refers to the connection between 3D and time. This connection is used in the animation area; for example the construction process by linking model elements and time components.
5D (five-dimensional)
The 5th dimension refers to the link between 4D and cost. Model-based cost estimations and predicted material costs are beeing enabled with this connection.
6D (six-dimensional)
The 6th dimension relates to sustainability and facility management. This is accompanied by the life-cycle consideration of a building model.
AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction)
With AEC the entire branch of architecture, engineering and construction is described. For the planning the architecture, house engineering planning and structural engineering are meant.
The Committee of Associations and Chambers of Engineers and Architects for Fee Regulations e. V. (german: Ausschuss der Verbände und Kammern der Ingenieure und Architekten für die Honorarordnung e. V.) is a association for Fee Regulations. As a specialist association, AHO looks after and represents the fees and competition interests of engineers and architects.
The EIR define the project requirements of the customer regarding BIM. The EIR include requiremenst definition on information, data, technology, processes and roles.
AIM (Asset-Information-Model)
The AIM contains all important information about an asset and is intended to support maintenance, administration and operation.
AIR (Asset Information Requirements)
AIR describes the information requirements of the organization in relation to the asset. This information leads to the AIM and is a part of the EIR.
Asset Management stands for asset management of real estate, which means to ensure and maximize the invested capital by taking advantage of all the potential for value creation.
As built Model
It is the building information model in the transition from the building phase to the operations phase.
The BEP (BIM Execution Plan) is a document outlining the information deliverables of all project participants.